Monday 12 September 2011

Ninstints Totems

Ninstints Village on Anthony Island is a World Heritage Site and one of the last remaing spots on the BC Coast with such a collection of Totems that date back well over one hundred years. The house poles and morturary poles still survive, but they are slowly decaying back into the ground as the wishes of the Haida. This is a truly remarkable place that gives you the goose bumps the first time you go. If you have a chance, it is highly recommended.


North Coast Bald Eagle

On the North Coast and Haida Gwaii, the Bald Eagle is everywhere. They are opportunity feeders and they know where to be when the feed is on. When the herring spawn on the shorelines they are lining the intertidal zone picking away at the fresh eggs. When the salmon finish spawning, the eagles are lining the rivers. Always hanging off the tallest trees, off the major points, the Bald Eagle reigns high in the bird world.


Sunday 4 September 2011

Perfect Morning!

What a morning! Get the rods ready and let's go. This was taken in Egeria Bay (Langara Is.), where we see the early bird run by the ship as we are anchored. Those fishing days are over for me on a day to day basis, but I still get my chances in the Gwaii and in Victoria. Nothing like being on the water and waiting for a bite. Tight Lines! 
