Sunday 22 April 2012

West Coast Flotsam

We managed to find some debris on the outside coast of Haida Gwaii. It appears to be the start of flotsam arriving from Japan after the huge Tsunami they had. The black float in the middle could be a Japanese Oyster Farm float; we have seen 40 plus of these in the water off the West Coast and Heacate Strait. The Kisby ring is off the Cary Rickmers, which is a Massive Automobile Carrier, home port of Majuro is in Micronesia in the South Pacific. A Japanese Flag from the fishing boat Jinho Maru, fleet 65; I was told they fly it when the boat is full. This was probably the neatest thing found. Other than the childrens toys and the dragger ball, we found lots of styrofoam in small sizes.


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