Friday 25 November 2011

Sunset over Ninstints

There are a lot of magical spots in Haida Gwaii, I personally think the area around Anthony Island on the South West Coast of Haida Gwaii is special as any. Not to often do you get a great sunset and the island with wind swept trees in the background in layers.  I cropped this shot to panorama to give it a better feel, with Flat Rock in the foreground. The West Coast of Haida Gwaii up and down is rugged as it gets. I am fortunate to work in this area.


Tuesday 22 November 2011

Breaching Humpback

The Humpback Whale has made a huge comeback in recent years with more and more whales entering our BC Coast waters. I am starting to see them around Vancouver Island in places I can't believe. They are a wonderful sight and I have had the privilege to take photo ID images for scientists at the Pacific Biological Station in Nanaimo, BC. This photo was taken off Dundas Island up in Northern BC, close to Prince Rupert. Not often do I have time to get the mammoth creature in flight. It is spectacular when it happens in front of you!


Monday 14 November 2011

Gale Force Winds

Not every day is sunny and beautiful. Examples of the not so nice days. We encounter the wild waves and the blustery winds on occasion. If I can capture the wild forces in the act without getting rained on or soaking my equipment, I consider that a feat. My camera will rarely come out if its horrible out.
