Thursday 23 February 2012

Coast Guard in Cox Bay, Haida Gwaii

The CCGS Arrow Post is a 100' patrol cutter that covers most of Haida Gwaii and the North Coast throughout the year. Here, it sits in Cox Bay on the North West corner of Haida Gwaii where the scenery is spectacular. The Westcoast is rugged and not the best for the fair weather boater even on a nice day. Most of the coastline is barren and isolated from the outside world. A few fishing lodges and old salty commercial fisherman are the few that come around these parts. Its a treat to be out here where only the ocean seperates you and Japan. I am keeping my eyes open for rare birds (short-tail albatross being one) and rare cetaceans (Blue whale would be a prize!) and possibly a Japanese Glass Ball. Two crew mates have found the soccer ball size treasures floating by on our Westcoast voyages. Lucky for them!

Wednesday 15 February 2012

Dungeness Crab

A Delicacy on the West Coast, Dungeness Crab are a perfect meal when travelling to the coast. Add some melted garlic butter and dip the meat in and you are in for a treat. These crustaceans can be found in BC waters from the south tip of Vancouver Island to Haida Gwaii and the North Coast. The commercial crab industry can be hit and miss, from a productive year one season to a dismal year the next. In most recreational and commercial crustacean fisheries, the females are released to spawn out to keep the industry productive.


Helmut Island Sea Lions

An Incredible Island in Laskeek Bay on the East Side of Haida Gwaii. A regular spot to see Stellar Sea Lions on the rocks or swimming near by. I have had the luck to watch Transient Orca swim close by the island looking for a meal but have yet to see any bloodshed. Sea Lions are curious, so they tend to check you out, so keep a distance as they will bark at you to let you know of their diapproval. And try not to stay downwind of them as you will notice a sweet aroma that you will be able to tolerate for only so long.


Friday 10 February 2012

Red Snapper

Also called the Yellow-Eye Rockfish (Sebastes Rubensis). These fish are colorful and can live up to 100 years old or more. These Rockfish that can be found in deeper water off the BC Coast. Not only are they nice to look at (In my mind), but they are tasty also. Many people find these fish to be a delicacy because of the rich flavour and nice texture. If you catch a Yellow-Eye, keep it as a part of your catch because they will not survive if you release it. Their swim bladders will blow up from coming up from the deep and they will not be able to equalize the air on the way back down. Know your limit and move to a different spot if you keep catching them. Conservation is a must for such long living fish.


Wednesday 8 February 2012

Standing Black Bear Cub and Mama

Not to often do I come across Mama and her cub and have the time to pull out the camera and take a few shots. I was quadding on a logging road in Naden Harbour, Haida Gwaii when I put on the brakes to see these two sauntering across the gravel. They stopped and took notice of me. Baby Bear was curious, so much he had to get on his hind legs. I think Mama didn't want any part and wanted to depart. They eventually did. I got my pictures and continued on to count salmon in a nearby river. Love those intimate moments with wildlife.
