Sunday 22 April 2012

West Coast Flotsam

We managed to find some debris on the outside coast of Haida Gwaii. It appears to be the start of flotsam arriving from Japan after the huge Tsunami they had. The black float in the middle could be a Japanese Oyster Farm float; we have seen 40 plus of these in the water off the West Coast and Heacate Strait. The Kisby ring is off the Cary Rickmers, which is a Massive Automobile Carrier, home port of Majuro is in Micronesia in the South Pacific. A Japanese Flag from the fishing boat Jinho Maru, fleet 65; I was told they fly it when the boat is full. This was probably the neatest thing found. Other than the childrens toys and the dragger ball, we found lots of styrofoam in small sizes.

Thursday 19 April 2012

Humpback Whale ID Shots

Here  are a couple of examples of Humpback Whale Flukes. I send these off to Whale Researchers at the Pacific Biological Station in Nanaimo, BC where they can be identified or catalogued in their database. They identify the ridges of the tails and the obvious markings on the tails themselves. Some whales are coloured white, plain black or both. I find it nice I can take nice whale pictures but at the same time pass them on to help create the catalogue. 

West Coast Wave

When driving around on the West Coast I try and get a good image of the "power of waves". I find it difficult to capture what I see and hear when a wave breaks and if it can be captured in a rocking boat. This break was just off the west side of Kunghit Island, south of Bowles Point. I don't often see the breaking waves so intimately, so I tried to capture this barrel, and this was the best one out of 30-40 images taken. Feel free to comment.

Sunday 8 April 2012

Sitting Bear

As we are assessing Herring Spawn along the coastlines of Haida Gwaii, we are coming across a number of Black Bear eating the kelp on the beaches at low tide. They are for the most part hanging out on the beaches eating away. This bear in Port Louis decided to watch us rather than us watch him. He sat for a nice photo op.