Thursday 19 April 2012

West Coast Wave

When driving around on the West Coast I try and get a good image of the "power of waves". I find it difficult to capture what I see and hear when a wave breaks and if it can be captured in a rocking boat. This break was just off the west side of Kunghit Island, south of Bowles Point. I don't often see the breaking waves so intimately, so I tried to capture this barrel, and this was the best one out of 30-40 images taken. Feel free to comment.


Blogger Unknown said...

how di you end up in this part of the world?

20 February 2014 at 12:46  
Blogger stef olcen photography said...

Hey Matt, The South West End of Haida Gwaii, BC is spectacular. I was driving for Fisheries Officers doing a patrol in the far to reach area. We later continued past Cape St.James, another awesome point of land. Thanks for the comment.

21 February 2014 at 22:30  

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